This page is my mods list. Enhanced Character Edit Adds some new sliders, face parts, a new race, realistic colors, vertex editing, improvement head parts and more. Ultimate Combat Easy-to-play combat overhaul mod that adds continuous attacks, dash attacks, and dodge etc. TK Dodge Adds dodge for the player. TK HitStop When the player hits an actor or an object, a “hit-stop” (a tiny pause) is added along with camera shake and blur effects. This makes weapon strikes feel more solid and heightens the sense that a hit has actually been made. TK Recoil When the player shot a bow or crossbow or staff, a "recoil" (a tiny pause) is added along with camera shake and blur effects. Khajiit Child Ma'isha This mod adds a Khajiit child whose name is Ma'isha. You can adopt her such as other urchins. TK Children This mod modifies child faces for giving some variation. Face modeling is based on parents and personality. Quick Light Turn on a light when ...